Pupil Premium/SEN

At The Academy Grimsby we receive additional funding called pupil premium to support students to achieve good progress and narrow the gap for disadvantaged students. As well as excellent teaching, our pastoral care, rigorous monitoring and tracking of all pupils helps us to identify any pupils who are at risk of not making sufficient progress and enables us to plan and implement intervention strategies.

The Pupil Premium grant is calculated on the number of pupils at each school in receipt of free school meals (FSM). It also takes into account any pupil in the last six years who may have been eligible for FSM but currently don’t meet the eligibility criteria. Children who are in the care of the Local Authority (CLAC) also generate grant funds as well as the children of service personnel.

The Academy Grimsby is not a School, and its measures of success are different from traditional schools, this is because the curriculum at the academy is closely aligned to the college and industry rather than the full national curriculum.

The Academy offers full GCSEs in parallel with technical and vocational pathways and a wrap around selection of smaller employability, digital and personal development qualifications. This creates a rich learning environment where students can specialise early and have strong onward destinations to Further Education and apprenticeships.

Our measures of success:

  • Retention
  • Pass
  • Achievement
  • Progress
  • Destination

The range of provision we offer includes:

  • Targeted academic and pastoral intervention during the Academy day
  • Support to purchase uniforms
  • Support to purchase specialist technical clothing and personal protective equipment
  • Free breakfast club
  • Weekend and holiday revision sessions
  • Reduced class sizes to improve opportunities and outcomes
  • Subsidised trips and visits
  • Increased pastoral support for vulnerable students
  • Support staff training
  • Support free transport to and from The Academy Grimsby
Metric Data
Provider name TEC Partnership (The Academy Grimsby)
Number of Students 215
Proportion of disadvantaged students 40%
Pupil premium allocation this academic year £88,640
Academic year or years covered by statement 24/25
Publish date September 2024
Review date September 2025
Statement authorised by Matt Holness
Pupil premium lead Matt Holness
Governor lead N/A
Aim Target Target Date
Retention 90% July 2025
Pass 95% July 2025
Achievement 85.5% July 2025
Progress 80% meet or exceed July 2025
Attendance 90% July 2025
Destinations 100% Positive July 2025
Measure Activity
Priority 1 Teaching and learning will be excellent across all provision
Priority 2 Staff digital teaching skills will be enhanced
Priority 3 Maintain low group sizes to maximise achievement
Barriers to learning these priorities address Access to technology
Projected spending £29,546
Measure Activity
Priority 1 Establish baseline skills, knowledge and behaviours for disadvantaged students
Priority 2 Target support for high grades achievement across pathways and GCSEs
Priority 3 Maximise parental engagement to positively influence outcomes
Barriers to learning these priorities address Lack of transition files from previous schools, low levels of parental support influencing weaker outcomes for some students
Projected spending £29,546
Measure Activity
Priority 1 Improve attendance by providing transport, uniform, food and specialist technical clothing and equipment
Priority 2 Support Safeguarding and personal development for disadvantaged learners
Priority 3 Ensure high levels of positive progression to Further Education and apprenticeships
Barriers to learning these priorities address Low levels of progression ambition
Projected spending £29,546